Name and surname: ADRIANA IVANA SMAJIC
Mother´s surname: JUGINOVIC
Birth date and place: April 8th, 1973, in Santa Fe – Argentina
Profession: Lawyer and Sworn Translator for Croatian-Spanish
Children: a 17 years old daughter
Telephone: +54-11-4811-8706 and + 54-911-6564-9585
Studies: Degrees in Law and Notariate from the Faculty of Law, Universidad Nacional de Rosario – Province of Santa Fe – Argentina.
Languages: Spanish, Croatian and English (fluent); French (reading knowledge).
- Faculty of Law, Nacional University of Rosario, Graduated in Law (Abogada) on December 28th, 1995.

- Studied for a degree in Notariate, at the same Faculty, obtained the Degree of Public Notary (Escribana) on November 29th, 1997.

- Sworn Translator for Croatian-Spanish, member of the Professional Association of Certified Translators, City of Rosario – Santa Fe.

- Teaching Assistant during 1992 and 1993 in the Chair of History of Law under Prof. Dr. Luis Díaz Molano, Faculty of Law, Nacional University of Rosario.
- As a student, and once graduated, participates actively in Congresses, Seminars, Conferences and Talks devoted to diverse branches of Law.
- Professional law practice in the town of Chovet, Province of Santa Fe, devoted to the areas of Civil and Commercial Law, counseling several institutions and firms in Chovet and neighbourhood localities, as well as private persons.
- Carries our legal cases in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina for clients in Argentina, Chile and other countries in Latin America. These cases are carried in several cities and localities in these countries, such as Zagreb, Split, Bjelovar, Opatija, Buzet, Stari Grad, Banja Luka and Sarajevo, among other cities. To carry out this work, uses constantly the Croatian language –spoken and written-, and has constant relation with the Embassies and Consulates, as well as with courts of justice and lawyers residing in Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
- In association with law partners, she works on legal cases in Argentina, Croatia, Italy and Spain
- Secretary of the Administration Board at the Cooperativa Limitada de Provisión de Servicios Públicos y Vivienda de Chovet - during one year, participating actively in all the works that the institution performs for the communal good.
- Undersecretary of the Asociación Cooperadora de Padres de la Escuela Provincial N° 6224 - Parents Association – Provincial School 6224, during one year.
- Legal counsel for the Municipality of Chovet, since 1997.
- Child of Croatian parents; Argentine and Croatian citizen.

- Active participation in the Croatian Community, in Chovet and surrounding localities, in the city of Rosario and in Buenos Aires.
- Organised the Fiesta de las Colectividades – Communities Fair in Chovet, from 1990 until 1996.
- From 2002 to 2004, Undersecretary of the Unión de Asociaciones Croatas de la República Argentina - Union of Croatian Associations in Argentina.
- Active member of the Institute for Croatian Culture–Studia Croatica since 2003. Colaborating with the publications Studia Croatica ( and Bulletin of Studia Croatica, its blog ( and videos (
- Member of the Croatian-Argentine Cultural Club, Buenos Aires.
- Carried out negotiations, together with other members of the Croatian community, before the Town´s Mayor, to change the name of one of the streets of the town–which has a large population of Croatian descent– in order for it to have the name of República de Croacia -Republic of Croatia. That was achieved in January 2001. The inauguration ceremony was attended by a delegation from the Croatian Embassy in Buenos Aires, which was specially invited.
- Organised the Croatian language courses given in her town Chovet by students at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, University of Zagreb, during four years.
- Edited the Informative Bulletin of the Chovet and Venado Tuerto Croatian Community from 2000 to 2003.

- In March 2004 organised, together with other members of the Croatian community and under the auspices of the Municipality of Chovet, a get-together of the Croatian Community. To that encounter came the Ambassadors of Croatia and Bosnia–Herzegovina, the Counselor at the Embassy of Croatia, the priest responsible for Croatian pastoral in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Brazil, Croatian folk groups from Buenos Aires, provincial authorities, mayors from neighbour towns, directives and members of Croatian associations and a large number of public. An article on the get-together was published in the magazine Matica (Croatian Heritage Foundation).

- In November 2006 translated talks given a the First Argentine-Croatian Business Forum, organised by the Croatian Embassy in Buenos Aires and the Croatian-Argentine Chamber of Commerce.

- In April 2007 made interpretations of the conferences and interviews which the Minister of Culture of Croatia had on the occasion of his visit to Argentina.

- Also made interpretation in the presentation of the books about women in the homeland war in Croatia, which took place in the International Book Fair in Buenos Aires.

- She translated at the meetings and conferences given on the occasion of the visit by the Director of the Croatian Exports Promotion Agency to the Argentine Chamber of Commerce. This visit took place in March 2008, and she was engaged by the Croatian Embassy in Buenos Aires.
- Translated the Croatian movie "Mondo Bobo" (1997) to Spanish.
- In November 2008, engaged by the Croatian Embassy in Buenos Aires, carried out simultaneous interpretations Croatian-Spanish at the Second Argentine-Croatian Business Forum. Interpreted the talks given as well as the meetings between visiting business-persons with their local counterparts. These meetings took place at the Argentine Chamber of Commerce as well as in different business locations in Buenos Aires city and the Province of Buenos Aires like the Port of Zarate.